The position:
We are looking for scientists with demonstrated excellence in machine learning approaches to financial problems combined with their mathematical, probabilistic and statistical foundations. This includes (but is not limited to) the analysis of deep (reinforcement) learning algorithms, signature methods, optimal control and game theory as well as their applications to various problems in banking, finance and economics, such as risk management and hedging, financial time-series prediction and market generation, model calibration or market making. The position will contribute on one hand to the mathematical foundations of data science and on the other hand will focus on financial and economic applications that can be solved by novel machine learning algorithms. In this respect, the Vienna scientific landscape offers many cooperation opportunities, in particular
within the Research Network "Data Science @ Uni Vienna", a platform for fundamental research in data science and practical applications based on data science techniques.
Your academic profile:
- Doctoral degree/PhD
- Two years of international research experience during or after doctoral studies
- Outstanding research achievements, excellent publication and funding record, international reputation
- Experience in designing of and participating in research projects, ability to lead research groups and acquire third-party funding
- Enthusiasm for excellent teaching and supervision at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral level
- We expect the successful candidate to acquire, within three years, proficiency in German sufficient for teaching in bachelor's programes and for participation in university committees.
We offer:
- the opportunity to obtain a permanent position and eventual promotion to full professor; the initial
contract as Assistant Professor is limited to six years, after positive evaluation of a qualification
agreement the contract becomes permanent as Associate Professor; Associate Professors can be
promoted to Full Professor through an internal competitive procedure.
- a dynamic research environment
- a wide range of research and teaching support services
- attractive working conditions in a city with a high quality of life
- an attractive salary according to the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff
(level A2) and an organisational retirement plan
For further details of the position, please see
or contact [email protected] or Professor Christa Cuchiero ([email protected]).
Do you want to join the University of Vienna? Then please submit your application by September 15, 2023 under .