A number of postdoctoral positions will open soon at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, within the framework of the Advanced Grant of the European Research Council "SCLIT: Scaling and Concentration Laws in Information Theory." Selected candidates will work on the fundamental limits of channels where the optimal number of messages scales sub-exponentially with the length, concentration laws for random coding, sub-optimal decoding and the design of optimal codes. The project will be run in collaboration with the Univeristy of Cambridge and regular visits/stays in Cambridge will be possible.
Successful candidates will have a genuine interest in Shannon Theory and will have a background in information theory, statistics, communications theory and/or channel coding. A background in optimization and asymptotic methods in probability and statistics is desirable.
The project starts on 1st of October 2024 and starting dates will be negotiable, although there is a preference for early 2025 start. Initial appointments will be for one or two years, with a possibility of an extension. Salaries will be competitive and include national public health insurance.
How to apply: Interested candidates should submit a CV including a complete list of publications and names and contact information of three referees by email to Prof. Albert Guillen i Fabregas at [email protected].