Eurecom, Sophia Antipolis, France - July 10-11th, 2023
Call for Posters
Dear Colleagues,
The second edition of the 6G Wireless Foundations Forum, an international event dedicated to future communication systems and networks, will be held in July 2023.
The 6G WFF will take place on the EURECOM SophiaTech campus, in Sophia Antipolis, France, in the heart of the French Riviera. The workshop will be held on July 10th and 11th, 2023.
The 6G WFF will be a single-track workshop emphasizing the challenges arising from emerging demands and use cases within the realm of wireless networking in the context of 6G networks. The workshop ambitions to be the premier event focusing on the fundamental and scientific design paradigms for 6G networks, with topics ranging from localization, distributed communication and computation, learning for real-time communication systems, antennas, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, joint sensing and communication, and semantics/goal-oriented communications, to vertical use cases (cyber-physical systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, connected vehicles/society/robotics, industry 4.0).
The program will feature lectures from leading researchers in the 6G area, panel speakers representing academic and industrial perspectives, and poster presentations of the latest results in the domain.
We invite you to join us and/or submit a poster to the conference. The key dates are as follows:
-*May 1, 2023*- Extended poster submission deadline (a 1-2 page abstract to be emailed to [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>)
-May 15, 2023 - Acceptance email notification for posters
-June 1, 2023 - Registration deadline
-July 10-11 - Workshop
The conference program will feature
-lectures from leading researchers in the 6G area,
-keynote speakers
-special sessions
-panel speakers representing academic and industrial perspectives, and
-poster presentations of the latest results in the domain.
The conference will take place in person. There will not be conference proceedings. More details on the program as well as information on the logistics and registration will be announced soon. (<>)
Welcome to the 2023 6G Wireless Foundations Forum!
Best regards,
Prof. David Gesbert, and Prof. Dirk Slock
General chair, 6G Wireless Foundations Forum 2023
Prof. Derya Malak, Prof. Petros Elia, and Dr. Maxime Guillaud
TPC Chairs, 6G Wireless Foundations Forum 2023
Call for Posters: 2nd 6G Wireless Foundations Forum (Deadline Extended)
The poster submission deadline for the 2nd 6G Wireless Foundations Forum has been extended to May 1, 2023
Apr 21, 2023