
Title: Postdoc and PhD student openings at Chalmers, Sweden
1 Postdoc and 1 PhD student position are open at Chalmers University of Technology Sweden, where information-theoretic methods will be used to advance fiber-optic communications.

In this project, communication methods will be developed for transmission over modern optical fibers, where data is jointly encoded on spatial and spectral dimensions. In total 2 postdoctoral researchers and 4 PhD students are recruited for an interdisciplinary team, of which 1 postdoc and 1 student will focus on information-theoretic methods.

The positions are full-time temporary employment, limited to a maximum of two years for postdocs and four years plus some teaching tasks for PhD students. An attractive monthly salary is paid. There are no tuition fees for PhD studies at Chalmers. English is the working language and candidates of any nationality are welcome to apply.

For further information and application instructions, see the full announcement on
The official application deadline is already April 15, 2019, but it can be somewhat extended on an individual basis if needed (email [email protected]).