
Student Invitation to the 2014 ITA Workshop, February 9-14, San Diego
The workshop will feature several student-centered informational, networking, and social events.
Jan 7, 2014

The Information Theory and Applications (ITA) Workshop brings together researchers interested in applying theory to diverse application areas such as communications, signal processing, networking, machine learning, statistics, and bioinformatics.


ITA 2014 will be held from February 9 to 14 at the Catamaran Resort in San Diego and will feature over 450 presentations by some of the leading researchers in their fields. Plenary lectures will be presented by William Bialek (Princeton, informational neuro-science) Yann LeCun (NYU, deep learning), Jeffrey Lichtman (Harvard, brain mapping), Muriel Medard (MIT, network coding applications), and David Tse (Berkeley, information theory for bioinformatics).


The workshop will also feature several student-centered informational, networking, and social events. They include over fifty graduation-day students and postdocs reviewing their research, a job-search panel discussion, recruitment booths by major companies, a Taco-Tuesday outing, and a two-laptop raffle among students helping chair sessions.


Other unique aspects of the workshop include individualized T-shirts, participants posters, introductory talk videos with laptop prizes to the wackiest, an amateur entertainment session, a professional stand-up comedy show, and a hosted suite with snacks, movies, and games. Registration includes daily breakfasts and refreshments, Tuesday and Thursday receptions, Wednesday lunch, and a TGIF happy hour.


For more information about the workshop, talks, activities, and registration, please visit http://ita.ucsd.edu/workshop. We cordially invite you to join us!