
8th International Conference on Information-theoretic Security (ICITS) - Deadline extended
The deadline for submission to the conference track has been extended by one week until November 28
Nov 20, 2014

8th International Conference on Information-theoretic Security (ICITS)
May 2-5, 2015, USI Lugano, Switzerland

Important Dates:

  • Conference Track Submission Deadline: November 28, 2014 (Extended)
  • Workshop Track Submission Deadline: December 5, 2014
  • Notification of Decision: January 30, 2015
  • Conference: May 2-5, 2015

This is the eighth in a series of conferences that aims to bring together the leading researchers in the
areas of information theory, quantum information theory, and cryptography. ICITS covers all aspects of
information-theoretic security, from relevant mathematical tools to theoretical modeling to implementation.
Papers on all technical aspects of these topics are solicited for submission. Areas of interest include,
but are not restricted to:

  • Physical layer security
  • Multiparty computation
  • Codes, lattices, & cryptography
  • Authentication codes
  • Randomness extraction
  • Cryptography from noisy channels
  • Wiretap channels
  • Bounded-storage models
  • Information-theoretic reductions
  • Quantum cryptography
  • Quantum information theory
  • Nonlocality and  non signaling
  • Key and message rates
  • Secret sharing
  • Physical models & assumptions
  • Network coding  security
  • Adversarial channel models
  • Information-theoretic tools in computational settings
  • Implementation challenges
  • Biometric security

Two Tracks: Conference and Workshop:
As the goal of ICITS is to bring together researchers on all aspects of information-theoretic security,
it consists of two tracks with different types of contributed presentations:

  • Conference Track (with proceedings): Submissions to this track must be original papers that have not  previously appeared in published form. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference and will  appear in the conference proceedings, which will be published by Springer in the LNCS series.
  • Workshop Track (no proceedings): To encourage presentation of work from a variety of fields (especially  those where conference publication is unusual or makes journal publication difficult), the committee also  solicits "workshop track" papers. Accepted papers will be presented orally at the conference but will not  appear in the proceedings. Submissions to this track that have previously appeared (or are currently  submitted elsewhere) are acceptable, as long as they first appeared after January 1, 2014. Papers that  describe work in progress are also welcome. We note that the same standards of quality will apply to  conference and workshop papers.

Instruction for Authors:

  • Conference Track: Submissions must not substantially duplicate work published elsewhere or submitted in  parallel to a journal or any other conference/workshop that has proceedings. The submission must be  anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, or obvious references. The length of the submission must be  at most 12 pages excluding bibliography and appendices. The text must be in a single column format, use at  least 11- point fonts, and have reasonable margins. The submission should begin with a title and a short  abstract. The introduction should summarize the contributions of the paper at a level appropriate for a  non-specialist reader. Committee members are not required to read appendices; the paper should be  intelligible without them. Submissions should preferably be in PDF format. Instructions on how to submit  will be provided on the web site.
  • Workshop Track: Authors may submit a paper published elsewhere or an original manuscript. As with the  conference track, submissions should begin with a title and short abstract followed by an introduction that  summarizes the contributions at a level appropriate for a non-specialist reader. Information about  previous publication, if any, should be indicated on the first page of the submission. Beyond these  guidelines no specific format is required. In particular, (a) papers previously published elsewhere may be  submitted in their published form provided bibliographic information is clearly indicated; (b) short  summaries of works available in other venues or online (on the arXiv or IACR eprint) are acceptable;  (c) original submissions may be left anonymous at the discretion of the authors. (Previously published  submissions cannot be anonymous.)

There is no restriction on program committee member submissions to either track, though PC-authored papers  will be held to a higher standard.

Conference Organization (General and Program Co-Charis):

  • Anja Lehmann (IBM Research Zurich, Switzerland)
  • Stefan Wolf (USI Lugano, Switzerland)

Program Committee:

  • Paulo Barreto (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
  • Mario Berta (Caltech, USA)
  • Anne Broadbent (University of Ottawa, Canada)
  • Roger Colbeck (University of York, UK)
  • Paolo D'Arco (University of Salerno, Italy)
  • Frederic Dupuis (Aarhus University, Denmark)
  • Stefan Dziembowski (University of Warsaw, Poland)
  • Sebastian Faust (EPF Lausanne, Switzerland)
  • Omar Fawzi (ENS Lyon, France)
  • Peter Gazi (IST, Austria)
  • Yuval Ishai (Technion, Israel)
  • Anja Lehmann (IBM Research Zurich, Switzerland)
  • Keith Martin (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK)
  • Prakash Narayan (University of Maryland, USA)
  • Anderson Nascimento (University of Washington Tacoma, USA)
  • Koji Nuida (AIST, Japan)
  • Frederique Oggier (NTU, Singapore)
  • Claudio Orlandi (Aarhus University, Denmark)
  • Carles Padro (Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain)
  • Rei Safavi-Naini (University of Calgary, Canada)
  • Marco Tomamichel (University of Sidney, Australia)
  • Stefan Wolf (USI Lugano, Switzerland)
  • Mark Zhandry (Stanford University, USA)