

We start with the Presi­dent’s Column and then congratulate all the members of our community who have recently received prestigious awards and honors. Next, we have an article on the activities of the Greater Bay Area International Workshop on Coding and Data Storage. We also have a report from the 2022 Munich Workshop on Coding and Cryptography. With sadness, we include a tribute to Toby Berger and Pravin Varaiya who passed away this May and June, respectively. We conclude with call for papers, conference calendar, and call for nominations.


Announcements, news, and events intended for both the newsletter and the website, such as award announcements, calls for nominations, and upcoming conferences, can be submitted at the IT Society website http://www.itsoc.org. Articles, reports, and columns can be e-mailed to me at [email protected][email protected]) with a subject line that includes the phrase “IT newsletter.” Or the submission can be made directly by the authors at http://www.itsoc.org/newsletter/submit.

Next few deadlines:

  • August 31, 2022 for the issue of September 2022;
  • November 20, 2022 for the issue of December 2022;
  • February 20, 2023 for the issue of March 2023.

Note for email submission:

Any formats (plain text, LaTeX, and word files) are allowed; do not worry about fonts or layout as this will be taken care of by us. Electronic photos and graphics should be in high resolution and sent as separate files.