
Sensing: Fundamental Limits and Modern Applications
Guest editors
Giuseppe Caire
Natasha Devroye
Elza Erkip
Yue Lu
Piya Pal
Mahyar Shirvanimoghadam
Lee Swindelhurst
Michael Wakin
Michèle Wigger

Modern networks rely on a variety of technologies to sense the environment for static or locomotive objects, in particular their shapes, distances, directions, or velocities. Sensing is a key feature in these networks and enables for example autonomous driving, motion sensing in health applications, target detection in smart cities, or optimal beam selections in millimeter wave communication. Besides these exciting new applications, sensing remains an important feature also for traditional applications such as temperature monitoring, or earthquake or fire detection, where new technologies are exploited including continuous feature monitoring over the entire range of an optical fiber network. The purpose of this special issue is to report on new exciting applications of sensing in modern networks, novel sensing architectures, innovative signal processing mechanisms related to sensing, as well as new results on the fundamental performance limits (resolution, sample complexity, robustness) of sensing systems. Particular focus will be on joint systems that integrate sensing with other tasks, for example communication, information retrieval (estimation, feature extraction, localization), super-resolution.

Giuseppe Caire    Natasha Devroye    Elza Erkip    Yue Lu    Piya Pal    Mahyar Shirvanimoghadam    Lee Swindelhurst    Michael Wakin    Michèle Wigger

Sensing has emerged as a key feature of modern wireless communication systems and networks. Traditionally, advances in the design, optimization and deployment of sensing and communication systems have evolved somewhat independently of each other. In recent times however, we are beginning to appreciate the benefits offered by the synergy between sensing and related areas in communication, largely driven by modern applications such as autonomous driving, motion sensing in health applications, target detection and localization in smart cities, dual-function radar and communication systems, and optimal beam selection and alignment in millimeter wave communication. We are pleased to announce that in this special issue we have collected exciting recent results on a broad range of different domains and applications that rely on sensing, with a focus on fundamental contributions that explore the performance limits of sensing problems and offer innovative solutions.

Maxime Ferreira Da Costa    Yuejie Chi

Spike deconvolution is the problem of recovering the point sources from their convolution with a known point spread function, which plays a fundamental role in many sensing and imaging applications. In this paper, we investigate the local geometry of recovering the parameters of point sources—including both amplitudes and locations—by minimizing a natural nonconvex least-squares loss function measuring the observation residuals. We propose preconditioned variants of gradient descent (GD), where the search direction is scaled via some carefully designed preconditioning matrices. We begin with a simple fixed preconditioner design, which adjusts the learning rates of the locations at a different scale from those of the amplitudes, and show it achieves a linear rate of convergence—in terms of entrywise errors—when initialized close to the ground truth, as long as the separation between the true spikes is sufficiently large. However, the convergence rate slows down significantly when the dynamic range of the source amplitudes is large. To bridge this issue, we introduce an adaptive preconditioner design, which compensates for the learning rates of different sources in an iteration-varying manner based on the current estimate. The adaptive design provably leads to an accelerated convergence rate that is independent of the dynamic range, highlighting the benefit of adaptive preconditioning in nonconvex spike deconvolution. Numerical experiments are provided to corroborate the theoretical findings.

Tao Jiang    Foad Sohrabi    Wei Yu

Beam alignment is an important task for millimeter-wave (mmWave) communication, because constructing aligned narrow beams both at the transmitter (Tx) and the receiver (Rx) is crucial in terms of compensating the significant path loss in very high-frequency bands. However, beam alignment is also a highly nontrivial task because large antenna arrays typically have a limited number of radio-frequency chains, allowing only low-dimensional measurements of the high-dimensional channel. This paper considers a two-sided beam alignment problem based on an alternating ping-pong pilot scheme between Tx and Rx over multiple rounds without explicit feedback. We propose a deep active sensing framework in which two long short-term memory (LSTM) based neural networks are employed to learn the adaptive sensing strategies (i.e., measurement vectors) and to produce the final aligned beamformers at both sides. In the proposed ping-pong protocol, the Tx and the Rx alternately send pilots so that both sides can leverage local observations to sequentially design their respective sensing and data transmission beamformers. The proposed strategy can be extended to scenarios with a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) for designing, in addition, the reflection coefficients at the RIS for both sensing and communications. Numerical experiments demonstrate significant and interpretable performance improvement. The proposed strategy works well even for the challenging multipath channel environments.

Onur Günlü    Matthieu R. Bloch    Rafael F. Schaefer    Aylin Yener

This work considers the problem of mitigating information leakage between communication and sensing in systems jointly performing both operations. Specifically, a discrete memoryless state-dependent broadcast channel model is studied in which (i) the presence of feedback enables a transmitter to convey information, while simultaneously performing channel state estimation; (ii) one of the receivers is treated as an eavesdropper whose state should be estimated but which should remain oblivious to part of the transmitted information. The model abstracts the challenges behind security for joint communication and sensing if one views the channel state as a key attribute, e.g., location. For independent and identically distributed states, perfect output feedback, and when part of the transmitted message should be kept secret, a partial characterization of the secrecy-distortion region is developed. The characterization is exact when the broadcast channel is either physically-degraded or reversely-physically-degraded. The partial characterization is also extended to the situation in which the entire transmitted message should be kept secret. The benefits of a joint approach compared to separation-based secure communication and state-sensing methods are illustrated with binary joint communication and sensing models.

Rakshith S. Srinivasa    Seonho Kim    Kiryung Lee

In many practical applications including remote sensing, multi-task learning, and multi-spectrum imaging, data are described as a set of matrices sharing a common column space. We consider the joint estimation of such matrices from their noisy linear measurements. We study a convex estimator regularized by a pair of matrix norms. The measurement model corresponds to block-wise sensing and the reconstruction is possible only when the total energy is well distributed over blocks. The first norm, which is the maximum-block-Frobenius norm, favors such a solution. This condition is analogous to the notion of low-spikiness in matrix completion or column-wise sensing. The second norm, which is a tensor norm on a pair of suitable Banach spaces, induces low-rankness in the solution together with the first norm. We demonstrate that the joint estimation provides a significant gain over the individual recovery of each matrix when the number of matrices sharing a column space and the ambient dimension of the shared column space are large relative to the number of columns in each matrix. The convex estimator is cast as a semidefinite program and an efficient ADMM algorithm is derived. The empirical behavior of the convex estimator is illustrated using Monte Carlo simulations and recovery performance is compared to existing methods in the literature.

Akshay Agarwal    Minxu Peng    Vivek K Goyal

Particle beam microscopy (PBM) performs nanoscale imaging by pixelwise capture of scalar values representing noisy measurements of the response from secondary electrons (SEs) integrated over a dwell time. Extended to metrology, goals include estimating SE yield at each pixel and detecting differences in SE yield across pixels; obstacles include shot noise in the particle source as well as lack of knowledge of and variability in the instrument response to single SEs. A recently introduced time-resolved measurement paradigm promises mitigation of source shot noise, but its analysis and development have been largely limited to estimation problems under an idealization in which SE bursts are directly and perfectly counted. Here, analyses are extended to error exponents in feature detection problems and to degraded measurements that are representative of actual instrument behavior for estimation problems. For estimation from idealized SE counts, insights on existing estimators and a superior estimator are also provided. For estimation in a realistic PBM imaging scenario, extensions to the idealized model are introduced, methods for model parameter extraction are discussed, and large improvements from time-resolved data are presented.

Edwin Vargas    Kumar Vijay Mishra    Roman Jacome    Brian M. Sadler    Henry Arguello

The increasingly crowded spectrum has spurred the design of joint radar-communications systems that share hardware resources and efficiently use the radio frequency spectrum. We study a general spectral coexistence scenario, wherein the channels and transmit signals of both radar and communications systems are unknown at the receiver. In this dual-blind deconvolution (DBD) problem, a common receiver admits a multi-carrier wireless communications signal that is overlaid with the radar signal reflected off multiple targets. The communications and radar channels are represented by continuous-valued range-time and Doppler velocities of multiple transmission paths and multiple targets. We exploit the sparsity of both channels to solve the highly ill-posed DBD problem by casting it into a sum of multivariate atomic norms (SoMAN) minimization. We devise a semidefinite program to estimate the unknown target and communications parameters using the theories of positive-hyperoctant trigonometric polynomials (PhTP). Our theoretical analyses show that the minimum number of samples required for near-perfect recovery is dependent on the logarithm of the maximum of number of radar targets and communications paths rather than their sum. We show that our SoMAN method and PhTP formulations are also applicable to more general scenarios such as unsynchronized transmission, the presence of noise, and multiple emitters. Numerical experiments demonstrate great performance enhancements during parameter recovery under different scenarios.

Nancy Ronquillo    Chi-Shiang Gau    Tara Javidi

We consider the problem of active sensing and sequential beam tracking at mmWave frequencies and above. We focus on the setting of aerial communications between a quasi-stationary receiver and mobile transmitter, for example, a gateway array tracking a small agile drone, where we formulate the problem to be equivalent to actively sensing and tracking an optimal beamforming vector along the single dominant (often line-of-sight) path. In this setting, an ideal beam points in the direction of the angle of arrival (AoA) with sufficiently high resolution to ensure high beamforming gain. However, narrow beams are inherently sensitive to stochastic mobility. Without active sensing, narrow beam alignment can only be maintained in the case of highly predictive mobility with low prediction error. We pose the problem of active beam tracking and communication as a partially observed Markov decision problem (POMDP) with an expected average cost constraint. We establish the existence of a solution to the dynamic programming equation under reasonable technical assumptions. Drawing on the insight obtained from this solution, we propose an active joint sensing and communication algorithm for tracking the AoA through evolving a Bayesian posterior probability belief which is utilized for a sequential beamforming selection. Our algorithm relies on an integrated strategy of adaptive allocation of pilot versus data symbols as well as an active selection of beamforming vectors that trades off mutual information between the AoA and measurements (sensing) against spectral efficiency (communication). Through extensive numerical simulations, we analyze the performance of our proposed algorithm under various stochastic mobility models and demonstrate significant improvements over existing strategies. We also consider the impact of model mismatch on the performance of our algorithm which shows a good degree of robustness to model mismatch.

Mehrasa Ahmadipour    Michèle Wigger

This paper considers information-theoretic models for integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) over multi-access channels (MAC) and device-to-device (D2D) communication. The models are general and include as special cases scenarios with and without perfect or imperfect state-information at the MAC receiver as well as causal state-information at the D2D terminals. For both setups, we propose collaborative sensing ISAC schemes where terminals not only convey data to the other terminals but also state-information that they extract from their previous observations. This state-information can be exploited at the other terminals to improve their sensing performances. Indeed, as we show through examples, our schemes improve over previous non-collaborative schemes in terms of their achievable rate-distortion tradeoffs. For D2D we propose two schemes, one where compression of state information is separated from channel coding and one where it is integrated via a hybrid coding approach.

Arpan Mukherjee    Ali Tajer

This paper investigates the best arm identification (BAI) problem in stochastic multi-armed bandits in the fixed confidence setting. The general class of the exponential family of bandits is considered. The existing algorithms for the exponential family of bandits face computational challenges. To mitigate these challenges, the BAI problem is viewed and analyzed as a sequential composite hypothesis testing task, and a framework is proposed that adopts the likelihood ratio-based tests known to be effective for sequential testing. Based on this test statistic, a BAI algorithm is designed that leverages the canonical sequential probability ratio tests for arm selection and is amenable to tractable analysis for the exponential family of bandits. This algorithm has two key features: (1) its sample complexity is asymptotically optimal, and (2) it is guaranteed to be $\delta -$ PAC. Existing efficient approaches focus on the Gaussian setting and require Thompson sampling for the arm deemed the best and the challenger arm. Additionally, this paper analytically quantifies the computational expense of identifying the challenger in an existing approach. Finally, numerical experiments are provided to support the analysis.

Ecenaz Erdemir    Pier Luigi Dragotti    Deniz Gündüz

Internet of Things devices have become highly popular thanks to the services they offer. However, they also raise privacy concerns since they share fine-grained time-series user data with untrusted third parties. We model the user’s personal information as the secret variable, to be kept private from an honest-but-curious service provider, and the useful variable, to be disclosed for utility. We consider an active learning framework, where one out of a finite set of measurement mechanisms is chosen at each time step, each revealing some information about the underlying secret and useful variables, albeit with different statistics. The measurements are taken such that the correct value of useful variable can be detected quickly, while the confidence on the secret variable remains below a predefined level. For privacy measure, we consider both the probability of correctly detecting the secret variable value and the mutual information between the secret and released data. We formulate both problems as partially observable Markov decision processes, and numerically solve by advantage actor-critic deep reinforcement learning. We evaluate the privacy-utility trade-off of the proposed policies on both the synthetic and real-world time-series datasets.

Meng-Che Chang    Shi-Yuan Wang    Tuna ErdoÄŸan    Matthieu R. Bloch

We study the information-theoretic limits of joint communication and sensing when the sensing task is modeled as the estimation of a discrete channel state fixed during the transmission of an entire codeword. This setting captures scenarios in which the time scale over which sensing happens is significantly slower than the time scale over which symbol transmission occurs. The tradeoff between communication and sensing then takes the form of a tradeoff region between the rate of reliable communication and the state detection-error exponent. We investigate such tradeoffs for both mono-static and bi-static scenarios, in which the sensing task is performed at the transmitter or receiver, respectively. In the mono-static case, we develop an exact characterization of the tradeoff in open-loop, when the sensing is not used to assist the communication. We also show the strict improvement brought by a closed-loop operation, in which the sensing informs the communication. In the bi-static case, we develop an achievable tradeoff region that highlights the fundamentally different nature of the bi-static scenario. Specifically, the rate of communication plays a key role in the characterization of the tradeoff and we show how joint strategies, which simultaneously estimate message and state, outperform successive strategies, which only estimate the state after decoding the transmitted message.

Chen Xu    Yao Xie    Daniel A. Zuniga Vazquez    Rui Yao    Feng Qiu

Due to severe societal and environmental impacts, wildfire prediction using multi-modal sensing data has become a highly sought-after data-analytical tool by various stakeholders (such as state governments and power utility companies) to achieve a more informed understanding of wildfire activities and plan preventive measures. A desirable algorithm should precisely predict fire risk and magnitude for a location in real time. In this paper, we develop a flexible spatio-temporal wildfire prediction framework using multi-modal time series data. We first predict the wildfire risk (the chance of a wildfire event) in real-time, considering the historical events using discrete mutually exciting point process models. Then we further develop a wildfire magnitude prediction set method based on the flexible distribution-free time-series conformal prediction (CP) approach. Theoretically, we prove a risk model parameter recovery guarantee, as well as coverage and set size guarantees for the CP sets. Through extensive real-data experiments with wildfire data in California, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods, as well as their flexibility and scalability in large regions.

Coleman DeLude    Rakshith S. Srinivasa    Santhosh Karnik    Christopher Hood    Mark A. Davenport    Justin Romberg

In this paper we consider the problem of localizing a set of broadband sources from a finite window of measurements. In the case of narrowband sources this can be reduced to the problem of spectral line estimation, where our goal is simply to estimate the active frequencies from a weighted mixture of pure sinusoids. There exists a plethora of modern and classical methods that effectively solve this problem. However, for a wide variety of applications the underlying sources are not narrowband and can have an appreciable amount of bandwidth. In this work, we extend classical greedy algorithms for sparse recovery (e.g., orthogonal matching pursuit) to localize broadband sources. We leverage models for samples of broadband signals based on a union of Slepian subspaces, which are more aptly suited for dealing with spectral leakage and dynamic range disparities. We show that by using these models, our adapted algorithms can successfully localize broadband sources under a variety of adverse operating scenarios. Furthermore, we show that our algorithms outperform complementary methods that use more standard Fourier models. We also show that we can perform estimation from compressed measurements with little loss in fidelity as long as the number of measurements are on the order of the signal’s implicit degrees of freedom. We conclude with an in-depth application of these ideas to the problem of localization in multi-sensor arrays.

Zhenyu Liu    Andrea Conti    Sanjoy K. Mitter    Moe Z. Win

Distributed filtering is crucial in many applications such as localization, radar, autonomy, and environmental monitoring. The aim of distributed filtering is to infer time-varying unknown states using data obtained via sensing and communication in a network. This paper analyzes continuous-time distributed filtering with sensing and communication constraints. In particular, the paper considers a building-block system of two nodes, where each node is tasked with inferring a time-varying unknown state. At each time, the two nodes obtain noisy observations of the unknown states via sensing and perform communication via a Gaussian feedback channel. The distributed filter of the unknown state is computed based on both the sensor observations and the received messages. We analyze the asymptotic performance of the distributed filter by deriving a necessary and sufficient condition of the sensing and communication capabilities under which the mean-square error of the distributed filter is bounded over time. Numerical results are presented to validate the derived necessary and sufficient condition.